How should I choose my lawyer?

Estate planning is extremely personal. You are deciding who will be involved in making decisions for you if you are unable to do so – or at the time you pass away. You are deciding who will care for your children. You are talking about one of the most difficult topics: death. It’s grim!

How do you decide who you want to work with?

Find an attorney who you feel comfortable talking with about these things. It’s mostly about personality and vibe – like anything else. Is it easy to ask questions? Do you feel like this attorney is looking out for you? Is he or she interested in you and making sure you get what you need? Do you like the attorney? (Yes, that’s kind of a loaded question! As much as we make lawyer jokes, you should actually like the person you retain.)

 This is why I provide complimentary initial consultations. You get to meet me and find out if we can talk and connect. And I do the same. Contact me today.


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Do I need an estate plan in California?