Who Needs a Trust?
Who needs a trust in California? Generally, if you have more than $184,500 in assets, or you have a minor child, or you own real property, you probably should have a trust.
How do you administer a trust?
How you administer a trust depends on exactly what the trust says at the time it needs to be carried out.
Why do I need a trust if I have a will?
If you only have a will - or do not have a will at all - your estate goes through probate court: a lengthy, costly, public court proceeding. The trust helps avoid that!
If I signed my trust, am I done?
If you have signed your trust, you must be sure to put your assets into the trust before you are actually “done.”
Can I name my trust anything I want?
In theory you can name your trust anything you want; however, there are practical considerations that you should discuss with your lawyer.
How do I file taxes if I have a living trust?
If you have a living trust, then it’s likely that your trust uses your social security number as your TAX ID number and you file taxes just as you always have done so.
3 Reasons to Avoid Probate in California
3 reasons to avoid probate in California: cost, time, and publicity.
What do I do after I have a Trust? (AKA Am I done now?)
After you have a trust, you’ll need to make sure you transfer your assets into the trust.
What is a trust?
A trust is a way of holding, maintaining, and distributing assets. What does that really mean?
How often should I review my estate plan?
You should regularly review your estate plan, but when? How often is it important to do that?